Tuesday, 23 April 2013

About This Game

This game should be played by 2 players at one time . The layout of the board should be like this :
The snake and ladder board

However, in our program, everything is in text form . 

At the beginning, the players will enter their names to indicate which one is the first player and the second player . Both players will start at level 0 . The first player will literally roll the dice by inserting any number and a number between 1 to 6 will be chosen randomly by program . This 1 to 6 number show the current level of the player . As turn changes, the level of the previous one and the new result of the dice rolled, will be sum up to show which level the player would be next . 

For some levels, we had put snakes from one specific level to one other level . As the player reaches the level which have the head of the snake (refer figure above), a question will be given randomly . As the player fails to answer correctly, program will reduces the level according (as in figure, at the tail of the snake) .  However, succeed to answer correctly, the level be remained there . 

Just like the snake, ladder also exist at some levels . As the player reaches this level, a question will be given and the player should answer correctly to enable the player literally climbs the ladder to skip few levels accordingly . Fails to answer question correctly, the level will be remained there .

The winner is the first one who reaches level 25 . The End ! Stay tuned !

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